Internship Opportunity: Executive Office of the President-Office of Administration Student Internship Program

PLEASE NOTE: This opportunity is listed for reference only. The deadline to apply has passed.

This is an unpaid internship opportunity from outside the Rockefeller Center.

Position Type: Internship - unpaid

Location: Washington, D.C.

Sector: Government

Dates: June 5 – August 24, 2018

Wage or benefits: Unpaid

Time CommitmentUp to 40 hours per week for at least 8 weeks

Desired Class Year: Open to all class years including graduate students

Desired Major or Interest: Example Open to all majors

Application Deadline: March 2, 2018

Brief Description of the organization:

The Office of Administration (OA) is currently seeking enthusiastic and dedicated students to serve as unpaid student interns to assist in the performance of its mission of providing support services for the Executive Office of the President (EOP).

The OA, was founded in 1977 by President Jimmy Carter to carry out the mission of providing effective, efficient and economical administrative services to the EOP. Within this entity are financial management, information technology support, human resources management, research assistance, legal services, and printing and graphic design work.

As a servicing component for the ten other components within the EOP, the OA Internship Program is designed to attract students enrolled in a wide variety of educational institutions (ranging from undergraduate to graduate school).

The EOP is comprised of The White House Office, Executive Residence, Office of the Vice President, Office of the United States Trade Representative, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Office of the National Drug Control Policy, Office of Management and Budget, Office of Administration, National Security Council, Council on Environmental Quality, and Council of Economic Advisers. The EOP is responsible for a multitude of tasks with a broad range of focuses.

The Office of Administration offers challenging and exciting valuable professional experience and builds leadership skills in the Federal work environment.

Internships Offered:

Deputy Director's Office

OCAO/ Human Resources

OCAO/ Library (Archive)

OCAO/ Library (Reference)

OCAO/Employee Relations

OCAO/Learning and Development

OCAO/Special Programs and Projects

OCFO/ Accounting & Policy


OCOO/ Facilities

OCOO/ RDS Supply Storage

Office of General Counsel

OSEP/ Personnel Security Operations

OSEP/Emergency Preparedness

White House IT/ Application Dev.

White House IT/Application Mgmt.

White House IT/Financial Mgmt./Ops/ 3 Mo

White House IT/Info Governance & eDiscovery

White House IT/Program Management Operations

White House IT/Records Management

White House IT/Threat Intel


Intern requirements:

  • Must be 18 years of age or older

  • Must be a citizen or national of the United States
Be registered with Selective Service

  • Obtain a favorable security determination

  • Enrolled in a degree seeking academic program throughout internship
  • Must have a 3.0 GPA

  • Relocation expenses will not be paid

How to apply:

See link for desired position.