Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) Visits PBPL 5 Class

On Monday, February 19, 2018, former U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH), visited Professor Shaiko's Public Policy 5 Class. 

Senator Ayotte, the 2018 Perkins Bass Distinguished Visitor at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center, spoke to the class of approximately 100 students about how experiences working with her colleagues in the Senate to adopt more evidence-based processes of selecting and evaluating new and ongoing government programs.

Senator Ayotte highlighted her contribution to a book that is being read by PBPL 5 student this term—Moneyball for Government—edited by former Congressman and former OMB Director under President George W. Bush, Jim Nussle,+ and former OMB director under President Obama, Peter Orszag. In the book, Senator Ayotte joined Senator Mark Warner, (D-VA) in writing a chapter about their views on performance/evidence-based policymaking. 

Following her presentation, Senator Ayotte also discussed her more recent role in guiding then nominee for Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch through the Senate confirmation process. She then responded to a variety of questions posed by PBPL 5 students. Following the class, Senator Ayotte joined students from the class as well as members of the College Republicans for a lunch discussion in the Class of 1930 Room at the Rockefeller Center.