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Jing Li ’16 has worked at the Rockefeller Center since her sophomore spring as a Student Program Assistant for Student Workshops. Her first experience with Rocky was as a participant in the Management and Leadership Development Program, which she liked so much that she wanted to get involved with Rocky at a deeper level. She consequently applied for this position and was hired.
As Jing explains it, the Student Workshops program “invites guest speakers who come in and run a workshop that’s leadership-oriented or career-oriented,” catered to students who wish to develop their professional capacities. Her favorite workshop is the Etiquette Dinner, which happens every fall and spring. Robert Shutt, a consultant with RA Solutions, leads the group through the art of business dining over a three course meal catered by the Hanover Inn. “Shine while you dine,” says Shutt. Manners matter and courtesy counts and never forget that the meal is not the most important part of the encounter.
“I have worked with Jing for nearly two years and she is a consistent hard worker I can depend on,” says supervisor Vincent Mack. “Jing is able to provide perspective to student experience or problem solve marketing strategies to actually get the right students to show up at various workshops the Center offers.”
Jing says she enjoys working for Rocky because “it’s introduced me to people I may not have come across around campus, and the interactions with the staff have been great.” Jing says she particularly appreciates the opportunity to develop friendships with people that aren’t students. “It’s not just like hanging out with students all day. They’ve been a great source of people to talk to, that aren’t 20-year-olds.”
Outside of Rocky, Jing is a captain of the women’s club volleyball team, which competes 2-3 times per term and is going to nationals for the first time this year. When she’s not on the court, she works for the Admissions Office and with the alumni council as a class representative. In the classroom, Jing studies government and psychology. After graduation, she will be working as a paralegal for the New York District Attorney before applying to law school.
Submitted by Doug Phipps ’17, Student Program Assistant for Communications and Student Outreach