Dartmouth Public Service Project

Dartmouth Public Service Project - Online

The Class of 1930 Room, located in the Rockefeller Center, features a wall bearing the names of alums who have served in national elective office or as state governors. Currently, 189 names are featured on the wall under the inscription "…to honor our classmates and those who have preceded, followed, and will follow them in the Dartmouth tradition of accepting the responsibility of public life, we recognize here those who have served in national elective office or as governors."

In 2018 a collaborative, student-led project was completed to make this Dartmouth tradition of service available online as a further source of inspiration. Starting with their time on campus and extending to their public service careers, the site embodies the accomplishments of individuals, the aspirations of a college, and the spirit of service to society.

View the Dartmouth Public Service Project here. It is up-to-date as of 2019.