Past Brooks Family Lectures
2022 - 2023
"View from the Top"
Chris Sununu
Governor of New Hampshire
2021 - 2022
"Operation Warp Speed: Lessons from the Most Successful and Important Public Private Partnership Since the Apollo Project"
Alex Azar '88
U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (2018-2021)
2020 - 2021
"Conservatism: What It Is, How We Lost It, and How We Find It Again"
Oren Cass
Executive Director, American Compass
2019 - 2020
"Conservatives and the Constitution" Constitution Day Program/Brooks FamilyLecture
Ken I. Kersch
Professor of Political Science, Boston College
2018 - 2019
"Bringing America Together"
Arthur Brooks
President, Beth and Ravenel Curry Scholar in Free Enterprise, American
Enterprise Institute
2017 - 2018
"Ten Years After the Financial Crisis: Causes and Consequences"
Aaron Klein '98
Fellow, Economic Studies, Brookings Institution
2016 - 2017
"The First 100 Days. Is America Great Again Yet?"
Megan McArdle
Columnist, Bloomberg View
2015 - 2016
"Jack Kemp, 2016 and the Future of American Politics"
Morton Kondracke '60
Dartmouth College Board of Trustee; Former Editor and Columnist, Roll Call
2014 - 2015
"The Coming Battles Over Social Security"
Michael Astrue
Former Commissioner of Social Security
2013 - 2014
"The New Republican"
Alex Castellanos
Founder,; Founding Partner, Purple Strategies (speaker cancelled)
"Debating Income Inequality: What's the Problem? What's the Solution?"
N. Gregory Mankiw
Professor of Economics, Harvard University (The Brooks Family Lecturer)
Jared Bernstein
Senior Fellow at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, Former Chief Economist and Economic Adviser to Vice President Joseph Biden, Obama Administration
2012 - 2013
"Federal Budgeting in a Post-Cliff Environment"
Senator Judd Gregg
Former U.S. Senator (R-NH)
2011 - 2012
"Healthcare Litigation: U.S. States v. U.S. Government"
E. Duncan Getchell, Jr.
Solicitor General of Virginia
2010 - 2011
"The Size and Scope of Government in an Aging America"
Keith Hennessey
Former Director, National Economic Council; Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
2009 - 2010
"The Challenge of Managing Defense"
Dr. David S.C. Chu
President and CEO, Institute for Defense Analyses
2008 - 2009
"Change and Continuity in U. S. Foreign Policy"
Andrew J. Bacevich
Professor of International Relations and History, Boston University
2007 - 2008
"Universal Health Care"
Mark McClellan
Director of the Engelberg Center for Health Care Reform, Senior Fellow of Economic Studies, Leonard D. Schaeffer Director's Chair Health Policy Studies, The Brookings Institution
2005 - 2006
"The White Man's Burden: Why the West's Efforts to Aid the Rest Have Done So Much Ill and So Little Good"
William Easterly
Professor of Economics, New York University
2004 - 2005
"American Politics: The 2004 Election"
Andrew Sullivan
Essayist, TIME; Columnist, Sunday Times of London
2003 - 2004
"Are There Limits to Financial Globalization?"
Kenneth Rogoff
Former Director of Research, International Monetary Fund
"All the Troubles in the World: If Things Have Been Going to Hell Forever, Why Haven't They Gotten There Yet?"
P.J. O'Rourke
Political Satirist
2002 - 2003
David Brooks
Weekly Standard Senior Editor and PBS Political Analyst and
Doug Bandow
Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
2001 - 2002
"The Future of European Peace and Security"
William S. Cohen
Former Secretary of Defense and U.S. Senator (R-ME)
2000 - 2001
"The 2000 Presidential Election"
Laura Ingraham '85
MSNBC Correspondent
1999 - 2000
"Election 2000"
William Kristol
Editor and Publisher, The Weekly Standard, Political Commentator
1998 - 1999
"Left & Right: The Future of the American Political Party System"
E.J. Dionne and Paul Gigot '77,
Journalists for the Washington Post and Wall Street Journal, respectively
1997 - 1998
"Security Considerations in the Post Cold War World"
Anthony Lake
Former National Security Advisor
"The Future of Technology"
George Gilder
Futurist, Author
1996 - 1997
"Technology, Economic Development and International Trade"
F.M. Scherer
Larsen Professor of Public Policy and Management, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard
1995 - 1996
"The Sense and Nonsense in American Economic Policy"
Michael J. Boskin
Tully M. Friedman Professor of Economics and Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University
1993 - 1994
"Multiculturalism: How TO and NOT TO Do It"
Michael Novak
Theologian, Author
1992 - 1993
"After the 1992 Elections: New Directions in U.S. Politics and Economics"
Kevin Phillips
Political Analyst, Author, Editor of The American Political Report
1991 – 1992
"Persuasion, Manipulation and Information: Bias in the Media"
L. Brent Bozell, Media Research Center
Larry Grossman, Former President, NBC News
Bill Kovach, Nieman Foundation, Harvard University
David Shribman '76, Wall Street Journal
"Campaign 1992: The Quest for the Presidency"
Political Consultants Mike Murphy and Mark Mellman
1990 - 1991
"The 1989 Revolution: The Perspective of the Soros Foundation"
George Soros
International Financier, President, Soros Foundation