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We're delighted to welcome over 40 Health Politics and Policy scholars to Dartmouth's campus in Hanover, NH, for this inaugural Conference of APSA's Health Politics and Policy Section, from Friday May 30 – Sunday June 1.
Participation Confirmation (if you have not yet done so)
If you have not yet confirmed your participation, please do so here.
There is no registration fee for this conference.
For programmatic questions
For organizational and event-related questions (including travel and lodging)
The Conference has secured room blocks at 3 local hotels for all participants. All 3 are standard Dartmouth conference hotels, ordered by convenience and proximity.
Conference attendees will make their own reservations. Please make your hotel reservations as soon as possible!
Hanover is small, and Spring hotel demand is high here in the Upper Valley – we have room blocks and rooms available for all attendees, and these rooms will be released by the hotels to the general public in late March/early April.
Location: Hanover, NH, on Dartmouth's campus.
The Inn is a 3-6-minute walk from all Conference meals, panels, and events (0.2 miles).
Pricing: $329/night
Reservation method: "Individual Call-In. Attendees will confirm reservations with individual call in to (603) 643-4300. Guests MUST inform reservationist of the group block or event name to secure a reservation at the discounted Group Rate (APSA HPP Conference Room Block May-June 2025, The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center)"
Cutoff date: Room reservations are needed by Monday, April 14, or rooms may be released to the public.
Location: Lebanon, NH, 2.8 miles from Dartmouth's campus.
Shuttles to/from the Conference/campus will be provided on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Pricing: $259/night
Reservation method: "Individual Call-In. Each individual guest must make their own reservations by calling the hotel at 603-643-4511. They must identify themselves as members of the Group (APSA HPP Conference at Dartmouth, Dartmouth College - Rockefeller Center)."
Cutoff date: Room reservations are needed by Saturday, March 29, or rooms may be released to the public.
Location: Lebanon, NH, 2.9 miles from Dartmouth's campus.
Shuttles to/from the Conference/campus will be provided on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Pricing: $229/night
Reservation method: Individual Call-In. Each individual guest must make their own reservations by calling the hotel at (603) 643-5600. They must identify themselves as members of the Group (APSA HPP Conference at Dartmouth, Dartmouth College - Rockefeller Center)."
Cutoff date: Room reservations are needed by Tuesday, April 29, or rooms may be released to the public.
Other local lodging options may be available, but only the 3 options above have reserved room blocks for our Conference and guaranteed proximity and/or transportation to Dartmouth's campus where the Conference is being held. We would therefore encourage participants to stay at the preceding hotels.
Dartmouth Coach from Boston Logan Airport:
Dartmouth Coach discharges and picks-up passengers at Logan Airport Terminals A, B, C and E only. Please be aware that some coaches are dropping off passengers ONLY. Dartmouth Coach drops off on the upper level and picks up on the lower level.
Allow 30–45 minutes between Logan Airport and South Station to make connections. Due to traffic, the bus may not be able to stop in the exact location, but will pull to the curb as close as possible. The driver will exit the bus, and call the destination of that coach. It is important for passengers to pay attention and be in the designated area prior to departure time.
All Logan Airport arrival and departure times listed are for Terminal A. All other stops are approximate: for Terminal B, add 2 minutes; Terminal C, add 4 minutes; Terminal E, add 5 minutes.
A map of the Coach stops can be found here.
A range of national car rental services have offices in and around the Upper Valley.
Zipcars are also available on campus.
Amtrak offers once-daily service to/from the area, though the train station is 10-15 minutes from campus and the hotels, Uber/Lyft are not reliable in the Upper Valley, and unless the hotel can arrange pick up at the Amtrak station, this is not a great option)
Generally not reliably available in the Upper Valley, alas. Do not plan on being able to use such services. Sometimes they work; oftentimes they do not.
Advance Transit runs a bus service throughout the Upper Valley.
General Schedule and Meals
All meals for all participants will be provided by the Conference.
Friday May 30 welcome drinks and dinner
Welcome drinks (5:15pm-6:00pm) and dinner (6:00pm): Sawtooth Kitchen, Bar, and Stage, Under Allen St. (halfway down), Hanover, NH.
Saturday May 31 breakfast
Breakfast (8:00am – 9:00am): Hanover Inn, Hayward Room, 2 E. Wheelock St., Hanover NH.
Saturday May 31 conference sessions
Conference panels, lunch, plenary session, and graduate student reception (9:15am – 6:00pm), Haldeman Center, Dartmouth College, Krindler Conference Hall Room 041, Russo Gallery, and Haldeman Patio, 29 N. Main St., Hanover NH.
Saturday May 31 dinner
Dinner (6:30pm), Venue Hanover, 44 S. Main St., Hanover, NH.
Sunday June 1 breakfast
Breakfast (8:00am – 10:00am; informal panel discussion 8:30am – 9:30am): Hanover Inn, Hayward Room, 2 E. Wheelock St., Hanover NH.
The detailed Conference Program will be posted shortly.
Guidance to Chairs, Discussants, and Poster Discussants
The Conference Program and associated guidance to Chairs, Discussants, and Poster Discussants will be posted shortly.
Conference Location
Saturday Conference panels and sessions will take place on Dartmouth's campus, in Haldeman Center, 29 N. Main St., Hanover NH.
Friday dinner and Saturday dinner will take place in downtown Hanover, NH. Friday's dinner will be at Sawtooth Kitchen, Bar, and Stage, Under Allen St. (halfway down), Hanover, NH. Saturday's dinner will be at Venue Hanover Special Events and Catering, 44 S. Main St., Hanover, NH.
Saturday breakfast and Sunday breakfast will take place at the Hanover Inn, Hayward Room, 2 E. Wheelock St., Hanover NH.
Campus and Upper Valley Maps
Please find Dartmouth campus maps here.
Local Highlights and Things To Do In The Area
Around campus
Orozco Murals (The Epic of American Civilization)
Occom Pond and Pine Park and Nathan's Garden walks
Quechee Gorge and Simon Pearce
White Mountains
This Conference is being generously supported by the following:
Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for Public Policy and the Social Sciences