Net Metering Policy Options for Wolfeboro, NH

PRS Briefs
PRS Policy Brief 1819-01
Thursday, March 7, 2019

Because there is an interest among residents and businesses in expanding local generation of renewable energy, the Town of Wolfeboro, New Hampshire implemented a pilot net metering program in 2008, and the Wolfeboro Municipal Energy Department is now exploring the economic feasibility of expanding this program for more of its residents. This report presents a wide range of net metering policy options for Wolfeboro to consider. To that end, this report first provides background on net metering and supplemental technologies. From there, the report describes “value of solar,” battery storage, large scale solar arrays, and modified power purchasing agreements in detail, drawing on the experiences of other towns and utilities that have implemented similar policies and technologies. We end with a discussion of possible next steps the Town of Wolfeboro may consider to create a net metering policy that is equitable for all stakeholders.