Minor Requirements

The public policy minor requirements include a research methods prerequisite and six courses.

Students are required to complete the policymaking course, two courses in public policy methods, two courses in a policy track of a student's design, and one public policy seminar relating to the student's policy track.

Students who wish to pursue the minor must officially sign up for it no later than the third term prior to graduation and are encouraged to enroll during their sophomore or junior year. The six courses required for the minor may not count toward a student's major or another minor.

Planning For Your Minor and Submitting it for Approval

  1. Complete the PBPL Minor Course Selection Worksheet.
  2. Prepare a one page proposal outlining the courses you have selected and how they form a coherent program of study.
  3. Submit the minor proposal on DegreeWorks through Banner student.
  4. Submit your minor worksheet and minor proposal to Ann Fenton, Center Administrator, Ann.N.Fenton@dartmouth.edu, and cc Professor Herschel Nachlis, Associate Director and Senior Policy Fellow, Herschel.S.Nachlis@Dartmouth.edu.


One course conveying quantitative or qualitative research methods. Options include, but may notbe limited to, Public Policy 10, Government 10, Sociology 10, Quantitative Social Science 15, Economics 10, Mathematics 10, Psychology 10, Geography 11, Geography 9.01 (Previously GEOG 50), Sociology 11.

Requirements for the Minor

  • One policymaking process course (Public Policy 5)
  • Two public policy methods courses (Policy methods courses include, but may not be not limited to: Public Policy 40, Public Policy 41, Public Policy 40.01, Public Policy 42, Public Policy 43, Public Policy 44, Public Policy 45, Public Policy 46, Public Policy 47, Public Policy 48, Public Policy 49, Public Policy 82.08, Economics 20, and Engineering 18)
  • Two courses in a policy track (Courses may be in Public Policy, or any other department, and must be midlevel or higher, public policy-focused, and in the chosen policy track -- which can be an existing track, or a newly-proposed one). (PBPL 20 and 50 level courses apply to this group)
  • One seminar-level course (Courses may be in Public Policy, or any other department, and must be seminar level, public policy-focused, and relevant to the chosen policy track)

More information

For more information about Public Policy Minor administration, requirements, and logistics, please contact:

Ann Fenton, Center Administrator, Ann.N.Fenton@dartmouth.edu.

For more information about Public Policy Minor academics, courses, tracks, and engaging in Public Policy at Rockefeller and Dartmouth, please contact:

Professor Herschel Nachlis, Associate Director and Senior Policy Fellow of the Rockefeller Center, Herschel.S.Nachlis@dartmouth.edu.