Schedule and Program

Schedule and Program

General Schedule and Meals

All meals for all participants will be provided by the Conference.

Friday May 30 welcome drinks and dinner

Welcome drinks (5:15pm-6:00pm) and dinner (6:00pm): Sawtooth Kitchen, Bar, and Stage, Under Allen St. (halfway down), Hanover, NH.

Saturday May 31 breakfast

Breakfast (8:00am – 9:00am): Hanover Inn, Hayward Room, 2 E. Wheelock St., Hanover NH.

Saturday May 31 conference sessions

Conference panels, lunch, plenary session, and graduate student reception (9:15am – 6:00pm), Haldeman Center, Dartmouth College, Krindler Conference Hall Room 041, Russo Gallery, and Haldeman Patio, 29 N. Main St., Hanover NH. 

Saturday May 31 dinner

Dinner (6:30pm), Venue Hanover, 44 S. Main St., Hanover, NH.

Sunday June 1 breakfast

Breakfast (8:00am – 10:00am; informal panel discussion 8:30am – 9:30am): Hanover Inn, Hayward Room, 2 E. Wheelock St., Hanover NH.


The detailed Conference Program will be posted shortly.

Guidance to Chairs, Discussants, and Poster Discussants

The Conference Program and associated guidance to Chairs, Discussants, and Poster Discussants will be posted shortly.