Professsors Shaiko and Samwick Attend DC Conference for FIPSE Awardees

Professors Ron Shaiko, associate director of the Center, and Andrew Samwick, director of the Rockefeller Center, traveled to Washington, DC in December for a conference hosted by the Department of Education for awardees in the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) program. The Center was notified in late September of its $750,000, three-year grant from FIPSE.  At the Washington, DC conference, Shaiko and Samwick learned that the Rockefeller Center was one of 38 awardees from a pool of 417 applications from colleges and universities across the nation.  Conference meetings provided information on federal regulations regarding the implementation of U.S. government-funded programs.  Samwick and Shaiko were joined by Virginia Reed, director of the Center for Program Design and Evaluation at Dartmouth. Reed will serve as the lead program evaluator during the three-year grant period.


Policy Research Shop students and staff ~ January 6, 2011 


The FIPSE grant received by the Center will support the expansion of the Policy Research Shop (PRS) at the Rockefeller Center.  To date the work of the PRS, a student-staffed policy research enterprise, has focused on providing useful policy analysis to state policymakers in New Hampshire and Vermont.  With the support of the grant, the PRS will reach out to local governments in both states in order to provide policy research on issues of importance to local government officials.  In order to participate in the PRS, students must take

PBPL 45: Introduction to Public Policy Research (PDF)

, taught by Professor Shaiko or

PBPL 48: Policy Analysis and Local Governance (PDF)

, taught by Professor Samwick.  In addition, the grant will allow the Center to disseminate the PRS model to other colleges and universities in the United States.