The Rockefeller Center’s fifth annual New Hampshire State of the State Poll surveyed a sample of New Hampshire registered voters (N=403) on April 2-5, 2012 to get voter opinions on policy issues, elected officials, and the state of the economy in New Hampshire and in the United States.
Highlights from the poll include the following:
- Voters less pessimistic about the economy and economic future.
- Romney leads Obama by slim margin—NH remains a "battleground" state.
- "Building a strong economy"—most important issue for NH government.
- Voters split on expanded gambling and voting eligibility of college students.
- Voters support same-sex marriage and cell phone ban while driving.
- Voters oppose allowing guns on state college campuses, reduction of tobacco tax, and allowing employers to refuse to provide contraceptive health benefits.
- Less than one-quarter of voters approve of the job performance of the NH legislature.
See the
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