Think it's too early to start planning for senior year? See what this student panel has to say, and receive a guidebook with practical advice. RSVP required, see info below. Sponsored by Dartmouth Career Services.
JAN. 16 (Wed) 5-6 PM
Filene Auditorium
Seniors give advice on how to prepare for Senior Year!
Listen to a panel of seniors who will talk about their experiences and share 'lessons learned' with the students.
>>>> R.S.V.P. ONLINE - REQUIRED by NOON on JAN. 15 <<<
▪Practical steps to prepare for employment, graduate school or fellowships
▪How to assess your skills/interests
▪How to get individualized support
▪Resources available to you & how to register your interests
*Receive a Guidebook to get you started
Outcome: Get control & be ready for Senior Year
****Seniors strongly recommend your attendance at this program****