The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center at Dartmouth will honor Law Day 2013 with a number of great events on Thursday and Friday, May 2nd and 3rd. Here's a quick round up:
- Conversation about Women, Families and Reproductive Rights - Thursday 12pm - 1:30pm, Rocky 003
- The Stephen R. Volk ’57 Lecture – "Some Leaders Are Born Women", Sarah Weddington, Lawyer, Professor, and Women's Rights Advocate - Thursday 4:30pm - 6pm, Rocky 003
- PoliTALK Student Dinner & Discussion: The Politics of Women's Rights, Thursday, 6pm - 7pm, Rocky 208
- Law Day Panel: Societal Impacts of Civil Rights Cases before the Roberts Court - Friday, 3:30pm – 4:30pm, Rocky 002
- Law Day Career Panel: Having It All in Law: Questions and Reflections on Legal Careers, Friday, 4:45pm - 5:45pm, Rocky 002
You can
read more about all of these events, including bios of panelists and speakers, here.
Co-sponsors of the various events are also listed at the above link, inlcuding: Dartmouth Lawyers Association, Dartmouth Legal Studies Faculty Group, and the Women's and Gender Studies Katy Lebowitz Class of '76 Academic Enhancement Fund.