Recent Media Mentions for Center's Policy Research Shop

The Rockefeller Center's Policy Research Shop has made recent headlines. Check out the following articles and reports about Dartmouth students' involvement in PRS and their most recent projects!
"Even as control of the New Hampshire Statehouse has shifted between Democrats and Republicans, the work of the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center’s Policy Research Shop (PRS) has remained a welcome source of thorough, non-partisan research for lawmakers on both sides of the aisle." 
>>New America Foundation: Pivot to Iceland Podcast
"What can Iceland's Parliament and students at Dartmouth College teach Congress about policymaking? ... In this podcast, the Open Technology Institute's Lorelei Kelly talks to Finnur Magnusson, a tech entrepreneur from Iceland who led Iceland's citizen-led constitutional re-write, and Matthew Cravens, the co-manager of Dartmouth College's Policy Research Shop, about how to distill an overload of information into knowledge that can aid - rather than hinder - policymaking decisions."
You can read Lorelei Kelly's paper, "How Do They Know?" here.

>>The Dartmouth: Longhi '14 appointed to Vermont state council

"Earlier this month, Gov. Peter Shumlin, D-Vt., appointed Andrew Longhi ’14 to the Children and Family Council for Prevention Programs, which supports child welfare and ensures that Vermont complies with the federal Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act.

Students who participate in the Policy Research Shop offer legislators a variety of policy alternatives, rather than pursuing a single agenda like lobbying groups."

The Policy Research Shop is supported in part by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education's Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) program. To learn more about PRS, click here.