Internships 101: New Dickey Center Video Series with Tips for Traveling Abroad

Written by Student Program Assistant Brandon DeBot ’14 and Rockefeller Center Staff, the following is a post to help to provide resources about performing an internship while abroad. Though this post was written with Dartmouth College students in mind, it's advice that anyone traveling abroad can reference. Think about the equivalent office, department or academic center on your campus.

So you’ve lined up your dream internship overseas - now all you have to do is get there.  How much should you pack?  Who should you contact before leaving?  Above all, what can you do to best ensure you remain safe abroad? 

These questions and many more are addressed in new three-part video series “Traveling Abroad with Dartmouth.”  These brief videos were created by the Dickey Center for International Understanding and are designed specifically with Dartmouth undergraduates in mind.  Each video is packed with critical information to help sure that your time abroad is safe and enjoyable.  In addition to gaining an overview of how to prevent the most common pitfalls of travel abroad, viewers can expect to gain insights into how to prepare for the first day of an internship abroad and adjust to local customs. 

Links to these “must-watch” clips can be found below.  We hope you pick up a few tips to make your next trip abroad more enjoyable! 

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