Internships 101: Applying for an Internship in the Office of a Member of the US Congress or Senate

The Rockefeller Center occasionally posts tips on securing great internships through its Internships 101 series.

Looking for an internship with Congressman or Senator? Here are some tips from past interns:

  1. Start early! Most offices will start accepting applications for an internship many months in advance. If you submit your application early, you’ll beat the rush and may have a better chance of getting the internship. Most past interns recommend narrowing down your search and applying six months in advance.
  2. Look for your own state congressman or senator. Offices often award internships to their own constituents. If they don’t have space, it is common for them to pass your resume along to another office with ties to your interests.
  3. Find a connection. Many students who have ended up in a congressional internship have had a past intern, family friend, or Dartmouth alumni with connections to that office pass along their recommendation or the student’s resume. If you don’t have someone to ask, visit the Rockefeller Center’s Internship Program Coordinator.
  4. Contact them directly. Feel free to contact the office directly by phone or email to speak with their intern coordinator and don’t be afraid to reach out frequently until they respond. They get a lot of calls and emails, and it is easy for yours to get buried.
  5. Check committee and subcommittee memberships. If you are interested in a specific issue, find a congressman or senator on one of the related committees and show them how your knowledge, experience, and passion might be helpful to them as an intern. You can also apply for an internship directly with a committee. For some interesting committee internships, see here.
  6. Speak with the Rockefeller Center’s Internship Program Coordinator. The Rockefeller Center keeps a database of all interns who have been sponsored. The Internship Program Coordinator can work with you to find a great internship and may be able to put you in contact with the office of your choice or a student who has performed an internship there.
  7. How to apply: Applications are often found at each individual member’s or committee’s website, or candidates may contact the desired office directly. For lists of Member and committee websites and office contact information, see the Senate and House of Representatives websites:

-Written by Student Program Assistant Alex Rubin ’15 and Rockefeller Center Staff