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On a daily basis, people are faced with problems and often negotiation is required to achieve the most desirable outcome. On February sixteenth, Professor John Garvey from the Daniel Webster Scholar Honors Program, came to the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center to talk to MLDP students about the importance of negotiating and how to become a great negotiator.
"The best negotiators are firm, fair, and friendly," said Garvey. He went on to explain that negotiation itself is a process, which includes a lot of preparatory work, such as research and information gathering, before even approaching a deal. Garvey stressed the importance of knowing yourself and knowing others when making negotiations in order to get the best possible outcome.
“The session made me realize that I negotiate for things everyday," said session participant Helen Thomas '18. "Learning to negotiate well and keeping in mind other people’s interests is an incredibly valuable skill.”
Submitted by Mary Sieredzinski ’17, Student Program Assistant for the Management and Leadership Development Program