Brennan Center for Justice Internship Opportunity: Unpaid

This is an unpaid internship opportunity from outside the Rockefeller Center.

Position Type: Internship - paid

Location: Remote

Sector: Legal Studies

Start Date: Summer 2021

Wage or benefits: $15/Hour

Time Commitment: Full Time

Desired Class Year: Open to all class years

Desired Major or Interest: Open to all majors

Application Deadline: TBD for Summer 2021

Organization website:

Brief Description of the organization:

The Brennan Center for Justice at New York University Law School is a bipartisan law and public policy institute generally seen as liberal or progressive. The Brennan Center's mission is to "work to reform, revitalize, and when necessary, defend our country's systems of democracy and justice."

Brief Description of the Intern's role or key qualifications:

The Brennan Center hires undergraduate student interns for fall, spring, and summer semesters to provide administrative and programmatic support to staff in our Communications, Development, Events, Finance, Human Resources, Operations, and Programs (Democracy, Justice, and Liberty & National Security) departments.

This is a great experience for undergraduate students interested in the general workings of a not-for-profit organization.

How to apply:

This is an unpaid internship from outside the Rockefeller Center. Such opportunities are posted in an effort to help students find a leave-term internship experience in public policy or a social sciences related area. Such postings do not constitute an endorsement by the Center of the political objectives of any one person or organization.