Ben Stevenson

League of Conservation Voters

Ben Stevenson is passionate about the role of policy in creating just and thriving communities. He grew up in Portland, Oregon and graduated as valedictorian of Cleveland High School. Ben captained Cleveland's debate team to two consecutive state championships, advanced to We The People national finals, and participated in an exchange to Argentina as a U.S. Youth Ambassador with the Department of State. As Hub Coordinator of Sunrise Movement Portland, he helped pass the nationally-recognized Portland Public Schools Climate Crisis Response Policy and co-founded a coalition to advocate for environmental justice amendments to Portland's City Charter. At Dartmouth, Ben plans to study Politics, Philosophy, and Economics and Spanish. He's an intern with the Sustainability Office, an Irving Institute First-Year Fellow, and an Outing Club leader-in-training. He's also involved in the Energy Justice Clinic, the Dartmouth Law Journal, Fossil Free Dartmouth, and Sunrise. After college, Ben hopes to work at the intersection of grassroots organizing, policy, and social and environmental justice.


HB Hinman Box 4073