Paid Family Leave:

New Hampshire Feasibility
PRS Briefs
PRS Policy Brief 1617-14
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Paid family leave is an issue that has taken the spotlight at the national level and in states across the country. In March 2016, only 13 percent of private employees in the United States had access to paid family leave.  Three U.S. states have paid family and medical leave plans. California, New Jersey, and Rhode Island have plans put in effect in 2004, 2009, and 2014 respectively.  New York State has just passed a new paid leave legislation in 2016 which will go into effect in 2018.  The District of Columbia enacted legislation in 2017 that will be effective in 2020. The State of Washington enacted legislation in 2017 which will begin effect in 2019. This report will focus on the paid family leave programs in California, New Jersey, and Rhode Island, as those programs are already in effect and have been in effect long enough to study their results on families, businesses, and the states at large.