Former Board of Visitor, Leah Daughtry '84 chosen as Convocation Speaker

Dartmouth opened its 241st year with a convocation that featured an address by Leah Daughtry '84, a former member of the Rockefeller Center's Board of Visitors.  Shown here with Center Director Andrew Samwick and Center Associate Director and Senior Fellow Ron Shaiko, Daughtry encouraged the Class of 2014 to learn with "mind, body, and spirit engaged." 

As a Board member at the Rockefeller Center, Daughtry worked tirelessly on behalf of Dartmouth students -- by helping the Center build its presence in Washington, DC for the First-Year Fellows and Civic Skills Training programs, by helping Dartmouth to secure a nationally televised Democratic Presidential Candidates debate in 2007, and by coming to campus as part of past Martin Luther King Jr. celebrations.  The Rockefeller Center is grateful to Leah for all of her contributions to the Dartmouth experience of our students.  You can keep up with Leah at her web site, On These Things.