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At the Oxfam Clubs Training, I learned about the importance of the work that Oxfam does and how I can play a role in advancing the goals of the organization. I heard presentations about the main campaigns that Oxfam is focusing on right now: the poultry workers’ rights campaign and campaign to enact the STRIDE Act. The poultry workers’ rights campaign is an effort to promote change among big poultry companies, like Purdue and Tyson, which will grant more rights in the workplace for employees of those companies. I learned the main issues that the campaign seeks to address, such as the lack of bathroom breaks on the factory floor and the lack of medical attention for workers who lose the use of their hands. I also learned strategies for spreading awareness of these issues on campus, like leading activities on campus that help people understand and empathize with the struggles that poultry workers go through on a daily basis.
In regards to the STRIDE Act campaign, I learned how the act proposes to change the U.S. foreign aid process in order to make aid more accessible to communities in need, give local actors more agency over how aid is distributed and spent in their own community, and overall make foreign aid more effective and efficient. The tools and training I was given to spread awareness of these issues may have been the most valuable part of the training, since it will help me to garner support for these campaigns. I hope to contribute to the traction of poultry workers grievances by adding the support of students on our campus and help get the STRIDE Act passed by gathering petition signatures at Dartmouth.
I also gained from the leadership activities we did at the training. We practiced our “elevator speeches” in order to narrow down the most important pieces of information that we can each use to communicate to people what Oxfam does, why their work is worthwhile, and how others can help further the goals of the organization. This is crucial because we are now more equipped to inform others on these issues in ways that make them want to get involved in our work to address injustice.
-Submitted by Sofia Greimel-Garza '18, Rockefeller Mini-Grant Recipient
The Rockefeller Center's Mini-Grants program funds registration fees for students attending conferences, as well as the costs of bringing guest speakers to Dartmouth. The views and opinions expressed here are the author’s own and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of the Rockefeller Center or constitute an endorsement by the Center.