What Does it Mean to Live and Lead with Purpose? Find out May 5th at the Hanover Inn - Register by April 30th
DARTMOUTH ON PURPOSE CONFERENCE: Live & Lead with Meaning Sunday, May 5th – Hanover Inn
[more]DARTMOUTH ON PURPOSE CONFERENCE: Live & Lead with Meaning Sunday, May 5th – Hanover Inn
[more]Written by student program assistant Brandon DeBot ’14 and Rockefeller Center Staff, the following is a post to help to provide resources on effective strategies for securing internships. Though this post was written with Dartmouth College students in mind, it is advice that anyone searching for an internship experience can reference. Think about the equivalent office, department or academic center on your campus.
[more]Have YOU prepared for YOUR upcoming off-term? The Rocky Center wants to remind you that there are important deadlines coming up! >>>The upcoming spring term internship funding deadline is on WEDNESDAY, Feb 6th
[more]FINDING THE 'CAREER' FORMULA ………3-Part Series (Change your confusion into a personalized Action Plan!) JAN. 24 (Thur), JAN. 29 (Tue) & JAN. 31 (Thur).... 3-Part Series* 5 - 7 PM in Career Services
[more]Written by student program assistant Kate Shelton ’14 and Rockefeller Center Staff, the following is a post to help to provide resources and ideas on finding and securing internships. Though this post was written with Dartmouth College students in mind, it's advice that anyone searching for an internship experience can reference. Think about the equivalent office, department or academic center on your campus.