Martin Luther King Jr. Day 2017
Today we take the time to remember Martin Luther King Jr. who fought to change civil rights in American history. There are many opportunities at Dartmouth College to celebrate MLK Day.
[more]Today we take the time to remember Martin Luther King Jr. who fought to change civil rights in American history. There are many opportunities at Dartmouth College to celebrate MLK Day.
[more]This year's Bernard D. Nossiter ’47 lecture, “Chemical Nation: How Americans Became Guinea Pigs in a Vast, Haphazard Chemistry Experience” took place on Thursday, May 19, 2016.
[more]As part of the Rockefeller Center’s annual Law Day Celebration, Stephen Bright gave a public lecture entitled, “Rigged: When Race and Poverty Determine Outcomes in Death Penalty and Other Criminal Cases,” on Thursday, May 5, 2016.
[more]During a lunch with Dartmouth students, Yale Professor Daniel Markovits. “Things I care about most at the moment include economic quality and inequality,” said Markovits. “Inequality in the market has increased dramatically since 1970 and may begin to happen elsewhere in the world. My intent is to describe the situation we find ourselves in, show why its unsuited to being addressed by traditional arguments about redistribution, and articulate new arguments in the face of changing circumstances.”
[more]On April 4th, 2016, Dr. Ira Helfand held a dinner discussion with nineteen Dartmouth students, following his lecture on “The Growing Danger of Nuclear War and What We Can Do About It.”