Alex Adams '18 on Management and Leadership
The Management and Leadership Development Program (MLDP) was invaluable for teaching me that leadership is needed while communicating with others in every aspect of my life.
[more]The Management and Leadership Development Program (MLDP) was invaluable for teaching me that leadership is needed while communicating with others in every aspect of my life.
[more]Alison Fragale '97 inspired us to think about why people in the room are not volunteering to step up and to recognize that everyone who is not participating is doing so for different reasons.
[more]Fua warned us that experimenting with Capoeira might be “embarrassing” or “awkward” in our cultural context, but that the best students of Capoeira are “not those that learn the fastest, but those who struggle with joy.”
[more]It was truly inspiring to be able to utilize and connect the interests and lives of people of such diverse backgrounds and put into words the process of interaction and learning between youths of different nations.
[more]As a Global Leader, your job is to engage the issue and to do that, you must view yourself as a Global Citizen. To truly be a Global Citizen, you must have a Global Consciousness.