RLF in Review: January 2012 Sessions with Dartmouth Senior VP Carolyn Pelzel, Prof. Ron Shaiko, and Student Presentations
Rockefeller Center Policy Research Shop student Brian Freeman '11 speaks with a member of the Lebanon Energy Advisory Committee in Lebanon, NH on May 19, 2011.
[more]On the evening of May 24, 2011 four Dartmouth students from the Policy Research Shop at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center traveled to Claremont, New Hampshire to present and discuss their research into methods for conducting an inventory of residential properties in Claremont. Travis Blalock '12, Kelsey Clark '11, Austin Major '14, and Eric Yang '14 met with Claremont's "City Center Project" Steering Committee, several town officials, and interested citizens during the monthly meeting of the Steering Committee.
[more]On May 24, 2011, three Dartmouth student researchers from the Policy Research Shop at the Nelson A. Rockefeller Center traveled to Concord to testify before the Health, Human Services, and Elderly Affairs Committee of the New Hampshire House of Representatives. Catie Burkhard '11, Karen Doster '11, and Hope McIntyre '11, presented their PRS report, "Shared Decision Making: Background Information and Policy Options for New Hampshire," that describes, summarizes, and analyzes shared decision making in doctor-patient relationships.