RLF Recap: In the Arena: Translating Thought into Action as a Young Leader with Nate Fick '99
After visiting on Dartmouth's Dimensions weekend, I knew that I had to come here. My formal introduction to the Rockefeller Center occurred Freshman winter when I took Professor Shaiko's Introduction to Public Policy (PBPL 5) course. The course cemented my interest in the practical applications of what I was studying as a Government major and encouraged me to apply to internships in Washington DC that summer.
[more]Front Row: Elizabeth Hoffman, Anneliese Sendax, Hannah Hoyt, Priscilla Nguyen, Richard Asala; Middle Row: Sahil Joshi, Alice Liou, Roanna Wang, Stella Safari, Mahmud Johnson, Sarah Wildes, Sarah Wildes; Back Row: Trevor Nibbi, Galen Pospisil, Sarah-Marie Hopf, Ariel Shapiro, Sam Lewis, Paul Strauch, Zack Doherty, Danny Freeman; Missing From Photo: Will Lowry, Lusha Zhou, Jack Boger, Maha Malik
[more]Sarah-Marie Hopf '13, a current Rockefeller Leadership Fellow, was recently profiled on Dartmouth Now for her work in establishing the Dartmouth Food Connection with Katherine Burns '13. The Dartmouth Food Connection, along with Dartmouth Dining Services, works to educate the Dartmouth community about food insecurity in the Upper Valley and helps to raise funds and food donations for Willing Hands through meal swipes and food drives.