Rocky and Me: Ester Cross '15 Senior Profile
The Rockefeller Center encourages its outgoing seniors to reflect on their experiences at Dartmouth as part of a series called Rocky and Me.
[more]The Rockefeller Center encourages its outgoing seniors to reflect on their experiences at Dartmouth as part of a series called Rocky and Me.
[more]The Rockefeller Center encourages its outgoing seniors to reflect on their experiences at Dartmouth as part of a series called Rocky and Me.
[more]The Rockefeller Center encourages its outgoing seniors to reflect on their experiences at Dartmouth as part of a series called Rocky and Me.
[more]This past spring, The Rockefeller Center encouraged its outgoing seniors to reflect on their experiences at Dartmouth as part of a series called Rocky and Me. "When reflecting on my past fours year at Dartmouth, it is clear that Rocky has had an influential part in my experience. Through academic, personal, and professional endeavors, Rocky has provided me with many assets. I am better leader, a better thinker, and a better speaker." --Dieynabou Barry '14
[more]This past spring, The Rockefeller Center encouraged its outgoing seniors to reflect on their experiences at Dartmouth as part of a series called Rocky and Me."In essence, The Rockefeller Center and my public policy studies have helped center my identity in the upper valley, something that is fleeting but paramount to achieving a ‘true’ Dartmouth experience." --David Eads '14