Rockefeller Leadership Fellow: Benjamin Rutan ’17
Leadership is a learning curve, where perfection is unattainable but must be strove for regardless.
[more]Leadership is a learning curve, where perfection is unattainable but must be strove for regardless.
[more]Casual Thursday, an on-campus improv group, set the tone for a learning environment that rewards individuals for pushing the boundaries of their comfort zones in order to grow as individuals.
[more]On Monday, January 23rd, former Executive Director of the Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships and CEO of Values Partnerships Pastor Joshua DuBois spoke on the challenges in the realms of race and religion in America.
[more]The Rockefeller Global Leadership Program (RGLP) began the term with a session focused on communication styles and how they are informed by culture.
[more]Professor Ronald Shaiko encourages Rockefeller Leadership Fellows to consider in what ways are the leadership skills they are developing at Dartmouth applicable to civil society leadership after graduation?