RLF in Review: Leadership in Higher Education
Internationally recognized authority on terrorism, nonviolent resistance, and counterterrorism to speak on the impact of nonviolent versus violent strategies to revolutionize a political system.
[more]Read a student's account of our most recent session in our Management Leadership and Development program below. For more information, about MLDP, click here.
[more]Professor Ross O’Hara Discusses “Longitudinal Associations Between Problematic Alcohol Use and Risky Sexual Behavior from Adolescence to Adulthood" at SPRIG Faculty Workshop
[more]The first term of the 2012 RLF session began with a special presentation by Dartmouth's President, Jim Kim. Kim’s presentation centered on the leadership difficulties and leadership strides he has faced during his presidency and that others have faced before him. President Kim began with a brief history of Dartmouth’s founding and the great issues Dartmouth Presidents have faced since Dartmouth’s founding.