"Homeless Hero" Cheri Honkala speaks to students on Leadership, Activism, and Economic Human Rights
Christianne Wohlforth and Sadhana Hall joined MLDP last week to present a session on “Developing a Global Mindset.” As Associate Director for the Dickey Center for International Understanding, Chris Wohlforth drew on her experiences helping Dartmouth students build cross-cultural sensitivity, noting how Dartmouth students tend to be unaware of their own lack of cultural sensitivity before they travel abroad. In order to combat this inadequacy Ms.
[more]Professor Ron Shaiko, Associate Director of Curricular Programs at the Rockefeller Center, led a discussion with Fellows entitled Leadership in Civil Society earlier this month. Drawing upon the book Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam, Professor Shaiko opened by introducing Fellows to the concept of social capital.
[more]On February 1st, Karen Liot Hill ’00, City Councilor for Lebanon, New Hampshire, braved yet another blizzard to join the Management and Leadership Development Program. Councilor Hill presented sessions on two different topics.