MLDP Recap: “Understanding Your Strengths in the Context of Management and Leadership” with Dr. Gama Perruci
Dr. Gama Perruci lead student discussion on leadership through case studies. Photo by Hung Nguyen '18.
[more]Dr. Gama Perruci lead student discussion on leadership through case studies. Photo by Hung Nguyen '18.
[more]On October 5th, Dartmouth’s RGLP welcomed Dr. Gama Perucci to facilitate a session about global leadership. He began the session by discussing the historical context of global leadership, providing an overview of significant moments that have shaped globalization. Starting with the Thirty Years War by assigning various roles such as Catholic Queen, Protestant King and Peasant to the students, he demonstrated the conflict that would have surrounded uncertain borders.
[more]This is a session recap of the Rockefeller Global Leadership Program (RGLP) from a participant's perspective.
[more]Mike Kennealy '90 will be discussing the challenges in using business principles to run a state government. While much of today's political discourse revolves around our national economic climate, each individual state faces unique challenges in its pursuit of job creation and financial prosperity. Striving for economic development on the state level can be much like running a business, as policymakers engage with companies to promote job growth and long-term economic success.
[more]Robert Odawi Porter is an innovative and results-driven attorney, scholar and political leader who has devoted his professional career to advancing the rights of sovereign American Indian nations and tribes in the United States. Currently, he represents tribal governments, organizations, and businesses in Washington, D.C. at Dentons, the world’s largest law firm. Porter gave the Thurlow M. Gordon 1906 Lecture, “Indigenous Peoples, Economic Recovery, and the Reform of U.S. Federal Indian Law,” on October 8, 2015. Before his talk, Nikita Bakhru ’17 sat down with Mr.