Public Program: Jon Kohl '92 “The Future Has Other Plans”
On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Jon Kohl '92 presented “The Future Has Other Plans: Transcending Barriers to Plan Implementation in a Complex World.”
[more]On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Jon Kohl '92 presented “The Future Has Other Plans: Transcending Barriers to Plan Implementation in a Complex World.”
[more]The Rockefeller Center and Constitutionally Speaking co-sponsored a Feb 20, 2017 symposium titled “Crime and the Constitution: Arrest, Trial, Incarceration.”
[more]D-LAB participants reflect on how community problems and their possible solutions may affect their own leadership goals within the Dartmouth community.
[more]RGLP participants were pushed beyond their cultural ‘comfort zones’ with Capeoria, a Brazilian martial art form that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music.
[more]D-LAB participants came to the fourth session ready to talk about the values of the Dartmouth community. Most agreed that personal growth, community, and achievement were visable on campus.