Rocky by the Numbers 2019-2020
[more]Dear Friends, I’ve always admired the Rockefeller Center, looking at it from my office next door in the Government Department, but now that I know it from the inside, I not only admire it, I love it. Seeing the Rockefeller Center from the inside gave me a vantage on its work I never would have had otherwise.
[more]On November 6th, Olivia Lovelace gave a presentation on Leadership and Friendship. According to Olivia, while it is possible to be a friend and a leader simultaneously, it’s important to prioritize being a leader. She believes it’s important to establish clear boundaries and ensure that you never give a friend preferential treatment, or hold back on honest feedback due to friendship. Furthermore, Olivia also encourages leaders to seek out mentorship to help them navigate such challenges.
[more]On October 29th, Sarah Solomon gave a presentation of the importance of empathetic leadership. In particular, Sarah argued that a focus on empathy could help transform management into leadership and would create a safe and supportive working environment. According to Sarah, empathetic leadership requires a dedication to emotional simulation and perspective taking in combination with an ethical approach to decision-making. Together, Sarah suggested, leaders could create strong bonds within their communities and safe spaces for their communities to work.
[more]“Profiles in Courage: Leading through Bravery” Jonathan Briffault