RGLP Recap: Understanding Identity with Dottie Morris (2)
The chief officer of diversity and multiculturalism at Keene State College led a session with Rockefeller Global Leadership Program students about understanding identity.
[more]The chief officer of diversity and multiculturalism at Keene State College led a session with Rockefeller Global Leadership Program students about understanding identity.
Sydney Walter '18 in front of The Charles Group, LLC office on her last week of work.
[more]The National Disability Institute (NDI) is dedicated to building a better economic future for people with disabilities and their families. It envisions an environment where people across the spectrum of disability have the same opportunities to achieve financial stability and independence as people without disabilities.
[more]DC Prep, where I worked as a First-Year Fellow this summer, is a network of charter schools committed to closing the educational divide in Washington DC. DC Prep achieves this goal by lengthening the school day, implementing standards-based instruction, employing targeted intervention, and assessing continuously. These tools have proven successful, as DC Prep has received the highest test scores for a public charter school in the DC area.