PRS Briefing to Gov. Lynch picked up by media outlets
May 28, 2012
Gov. Lynch taking notes during the PRS briefing.
[more]Gov. Lynch taking notes during the PRS briefing.
[more]The 2012 Civic Skills Training Participants, including this year's First Year Fellows class, attended a dinner session on Sunday May 20th. Keneisha Grayson, the creator of "The Art of Applying" admissions consulting, first presented a networking session titled "The Power of Ask."
[more]PRS Students Testify Before the Grafton County Nursing Home Administrator Craig Labore
[more]Echo Brown '06 was recently featured in a May 20 article in The Plain Dealer, the major daily newspaper of Cleveland, Ohio.
[more]Read a student's account of our most recent session in our Management Leadership and Development program below. For more information, about MLDP, click here.