Policy Research Shop Testimony: September 9, 2010

Poverty in Vermont: Reduction and Profiles

On September 9, 2010, Travis Blalock ’12 of the Policy Research Shop (PRS) gave testimony before the Vermont Child Poverty Council at the State House in Montpelier, VT. The Council, chaired by Rep. Ann Pugh and Sen. Douglas Racine, is a working group composed of legislators, non profit leaders, and representatives from executive agencies who deal with child poverty issues in Vermont. Travis’s presentation was part of the report by the Families in Deep Poverty Working Group of the Council, headed by Legislative Counsel Robin Lunge. Travis’s presentation outlined the characteristics of the deep poverty population in Vermont compared to the nation as a whole, and highlighted some of the challenges posed by its different characteristics.

He then offered recommendations for reaching the deep poverty population, including addressing compounding issues and improving public transportation in rural areas. The presentation was based on the PRS Report “Poverty in Vermont: Reduction and Profiles: A Profile of Vermont Residents in Deep Poverty Prepared for the Vermont Child Poverty Council” written by Travis Blalock ’12 and David Lumbert II ’12.