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Professor Charles Wheelan, Senior Lecturer and Policy Fellow at the Rockefeller Center was recently awarded The Dean of Faculty Teaching Award.
This award is given to a non-tenure track faculty member in recognition of outstanding contributions to Dartmouth and career distinction. The awardee is selected by the Dean of Faculty in consultation with the associate deans for each division - sciences, arts & humanities, social sciences, and interdisciplinary programs.
According to Associate Dean John Carey, “Professor Wheelan was selected for his outstanding and innovative teaching, his successes in communicating scholarly ideas to popular audiences (see, for example, his books Naked Statistics, Naked Money, and Naked Economics), and most recently for the publication of his first work of fiction – The Rationing – which is a public policy thriller (that’s not a typo) about a global pandemic and the U.S. government’s response. Charlie’s work, inside the classroom and out, consistently brings insights from the social sciences to wider audiences, and so raises the level of public policy debates on the most pressing issues.”
Professor Wheelan has a passion for teaching, “I’ve always felt a compulsion to make other people as excited about Public Policy as I am. That’s one of the reasons I like using current examples. COVID-19 obviously, and sadly, provides a lot of teaching material right now.” Spring term 2020 was a challenge after moving all classes online and it required a lot of planning and innovation. Professor Wheelan said “I think we’re all looking forward to having students back on campus. Despite all that we’ve done to make online learning effective, there is something unique about having Rocky full of students.” Thankful to work at the Rockefeller Center, Professor Wheelan added, “I think this award is reflective of the focus that everyone at Rocky puts on the undergraduate experience, in and out of the classroom. A perquisite for good teaching is caring a lot about our students.”
Please join the Rockefeller Center in celebrating and congratulating Professor Charles Wheelan.