RLF Recap: Leadership, Personal Development and the Feedback Cycle


This Thursday, the Rockefeller Leadership Fellows had the pleasure of welcoming Professor Betsy Winslow of the Tuck School of Business to share with us her knowledge about leadership theory and giving proper feedback. Just as she does in her Comparative Models of Leadership class, Professor Winslow taught us about the four key components of leadership, which she believes can be mastered through attention and practice. These include personal excellence, effective situational control, motivating and developing people, and achieving results. 

Woven through each of these components were the important tips of planning ahead and adapting your leadership style to the situation at hand. To wrap up the discussion on leadership, we carried out role-plays simulating work conflicts between a supervisor and a manager. At the end of the session, Professor Winslow spoke to us about how to give feedback using the SMART (specific, measurable, actionable, relevant, timely) and SBIR (situation, behavior, impact, result) models. Overall, this material supplemented well the knowledge we had gained from the annual RLF leadership retreat the previous weekend.