UNH School of Law Professor Leads MLDP Session on Negotiation

The Management and Leadership Development Program (MLDP) welcomed Professor John Garvey in a session titled Negotiation: You CAN Get There from Here on November 9, 2010. Professor Garvey is the Director of the Daniel Webster Scholar Honors Program at the UNH School of Law in Concord, New Hampshire.
MLDP participants discussed the different stages in planning for and executing a negotiation as the discussion moved from problem identification to decision-making and actual negotiation. Throughout the session, Professor Garvey illustrated different negotiation strategies with clips from popular movies such as "The Untouchables" and "Reservoir Dogs".

In the second part of the session, participants, who were asked to arrive with real-life issues that could potentially require negotiation, broke into small groups and engaged in a role-playing exercise. In the exercise, participants stepped into the shoes of whomever they were in opposition with in order to appreciate both sides of an argument and gain a more objective view on how to approach a solution that works for both parties. After debriefing the role-playing exercise, Professor Garvey left the MLDP participants with a clear guide on how to reach outcomes that work for everyone.

-- Julius Bedford '12