State Senator Matthew Houde ‘91 and State Representative Laurie Harding discuss the New Hampshire House of Representatives and Senate with students in PBPL 45 on October 14, 2010.
On October 14, 2010 State Senator Matthew Houde and State Representative Laurie Harding met with students in Professor Ron Shaiko’s PBPL 45: Introduction to Public Policy Research class. Senator Houde and Representative Harding discussed the legislative process in Concord as well as the unique characteristics of the New Hampshire House of Representatives and Senate. The two legislators also discussed the major issues before the legislature this year and the upcoming elections.
Rep. Harding discussed several of the Rockefeller Center Policy Research Shop projects undertaken for various legislative committees in the New Hampshire House of Representatives including: biomass boilers, funding for state parks, and mental health parity. She also discussed the issue of casino gambling and the role of the PRS students in providing information on the social costs of gambling to the Gaming Study Commission, formed by Governor Lynch.
Senator Houde is a member of the Dartmouth Class of 1991.