Policy Research Shop Testimony: May 19, 2011

PRS Student Presents Research on Renewable Energy Incentives to the Lebanon, NH Energy Advisory Committee

On May 19, 2011, Brian Freeman ’11, a student researcher at the Policy Research Shop at the Rockefeller Center, presented an analysis of renewable energy incentive programs to the Lebanon Energy Advisory Committee. The report assesses the suitability of two renewable energy incentive programs, property tax exemptions and Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE), for Lebanon. Using data from 83 New Hampshire municipalities that have enacted property tax exemptions for renewable energy installations, the report projects that the fiscal impact of enacting the exemptions in Lebanon would be minimal. The report also describes how municipalities have modified the PACE loan program in response to a legal challenge by the Federal Housing Finance Agency. The report was authored by Brian Freeman ’11, Jason Goodman ’12, and Christine Souffrant ’11.