As recently announced, Dartmouth will host several notable American Politics and Policy experts as part of the new public policy course,
"Contemporary Issues in American Politics and Public Policy (PDF),"
during the Summer 2011 academic term. Guest speakers in this course will also be giving a lecture which will be open to the public.
In the Dartmouth Now announcement, President Kim said that the lecture series “will provide an opportunity for students and members of the larger community to share a common intellectual experience.” We hope that you will join us for these public lectures.
Both the public lectures and the PBPL 20 course will address major topics shaping current policy and political debates at the national level. These issues include the federal deficit, health care reform, the public education system, financial bailouts, and partisan politics. You can review the list of speakers below, add them to your calendar directly (from the Rockefeller Center Google Calendar), or invite others to the lectures via Facebook events.
The current list of public lectures can be found online. All public lectures will begin at 4:30 p.m., locations to be announced. Confirmed speakers, as of June 1, 2011 include:
- June 23: Judd Gregg, former New Hampshire senator and governor
- July 28: Joel Klein, former chancellor of New York City public schools
- August 4: Robert Reich ’68, former secretary of the U.S. Department of Labor
- August 11: Henry Paulson ’68, former secretary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury
- August 18: Jeffrey Immelt ’78, chief executive officer of GE