Read a student's account of our most recent session in our Management Leadership and Development program below. For more information, about MLDP, click here.
Danielle Thompson ’97, Rockefeller Center Assistant Director, presented this special session of MLDP. The presentation opened with a broader look at the benefits the Rockefeller Center has afforded students pursuing public policy internships. Two students with former Rockefeller-funded internships presented briefly then answered questions.
The participants present had various levels of experience with LinkedIn – some people were signing up for the first time, and others were curious about how to better implement their LinkedIn accounts. One of the key features Ms. Thompson noted was that LinkedIn is an increasingly popular vehicle for showcasing one’s experience; a LinkedIn page has now become the Rockefeller Center’s preferred resume format.
The Groups function, as shown by Ms. Thompson, is a powerful networking tool as well, and each student joined two groups that they were particularly eligible for. One of the most important functions of groups is to function as a sort of job bulletin board – one can search for a position matching a set of criteria and immediately find a list of positions to match. Thompson encouraged students to build as large a network and a complete a profile as possible.
The world of online communication is shrinking and it is advantageous to capitalize on the resulting opportunities.
-Will Lowry '13