Read a student's account of our most recent session in our Management Leadership and Development program below. For more information, about MLDP, click here.
In tonight's session MLDP participants reviewed several concepts from the term and wrapped up this winter's session.
Julie Kalish, professor at Dartmouth College, guided the group through the analysis of the end of term SWOC (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Challenges) memo. In her opening, Professor Kalish reviewed the process of structuring a memo. As compared to the academic essay structure, the memo is focused on the efficient and succinct communication of information. The use of a summarizing introduction and specific feedback within subheadings helps the strength of the memo.
In the second portion of the session, Thanh and Danielle guided our group through their understanding of the SWOC memos. Going forward, they plan to specifically address the workshop's goals and explain the specifics of the time commitment of the program. They also emphasized the importance of growing and developing this program.
The third portion of the session focused on the findings from different group projects. There were a wide variety of subjects of the group projects this term. Topics for group projects this term included: the development of a MLDP LinkedIn Group, creation of MLDP posters, outlines of survey feedback guidelines, the creation of a campus survey on MLDP outreach, and analyzing the "dos and don'ts" for future speakers. This wrap up session allowed all participants in MLDP to share the outcomes of their work together.
Tonight's session was an effective and informative wrap up to an extremely engaging Winter 2012 MLDP session. Thanks to the MLDP staff for making the program so informative and effective!
-Catherine O'Sullivan '14