Don Casler '14 shares his experiences from India class trip during Winter Break

Don Casler '14, a contributing columnist for The Dartmouth, wrote about his experience in India as a part of Public Policy 85: Global Policy Leadership: Economic Reform in India. PBPL 85 is designed to provide real world international policy experience.

Twelve rising juniors and seniors were selected to study the 2013 topic: economic reform in India. During the fall term of 2013, the participating students studied this topic in depth, as they would for any other Dartmouth class. At the end of the fall quarter, the class, accompanied by Senior Lecturer Charles Wheelan '88, traveled to India. While there, students spent two weeks meeting with local policy leaders who could help inform their topic of study.

A short segment of Casler's article:

Dartmouth needs more programs like the global practicum. My time in India convinced me of the value in experiential learning, and I wholeheartedly support President Phil Hanlon’s push to make it a bigger part of the curriculum... Every department should be encouraged to start its own programs and make them unique. Mini-foreign study programs and language study abroads or fieldwork are just some of the possibilities.

Casler has previously worked for the Rockefeller Center's Policy Research Shop and was a Rockefeller-sponsored intern at the WIBO during Summer 2011.

The entirety Casler's article can be found here.