Confronting the challenges of developing Spoon University - Dartmouth College

Justin Roshak '15 and Andrew Beaubien '16,
brothers of Phi Tau Co-educational Fraternity,
defeated brothers of Alpha Theta in an "Iron Chef" Competition.

This 2014 winter term, I co-founded a food appreciation organization called Spoon University – Dartmouth College. We are a campus chapter of Spoon University, which promotes the creation of a food community on campus by publishing online articles and hosting events related to food.

This has been a work in progress since early November. As such, I have had to serve as both Co-President and Editor in Chief. My biggest challenge was creating a strong editorial team able to function and publish quality articles regularly. The most difficult part was that while the team was learning, I needed to learn how to use the online publishing system as well as recruit new members to join the team. This was, and still is, a new experience for all of us as we worked together to provide a food community for Dartmouth.

I look forward to seeing what Spoon University will develop into. Not only has it allowed me to develop new leadership skills, but it has also connected me to other students on campus who share a passion for food. In the future, I want our website to be the place students go when they need food advice or if they just want to look at food pictures. Spoon University should become the organization students trust for a meaningful food experience.

This term, we will host our launch event for students to get to know the organization and we will host events with Morano Gelato and the PINE Restaurant. I hope to show campus that the life of food is not just when it is eaten. Instead, it extends before and after that moment - from the cooking, the writing and the discussion.

Check us out at and blitz if you’re interested in learning more.

--Victoria Li '16, Winter 2014 MLDP Participant