Rocky celebrates our seniors with Rocky and Me! Recently graduated students shared their favorite Rocky memories. Congratulations to all the seniors!
Maxwell Blum
Quantitative Social Science and Music Double Major
"One of my favorite moments at the Rockefeller Leadership Fellowship was the team building session led by Stephen Gonzalez. In this session, we were tasked with creating an accurate world map using climbing rope. This exercise was particularly impactful because it highlighted the importance of teamwork and relying on the knowledge of others to achieve a common goal.
After completing our rope map, Stephen encouraged us to stand in a location on the map that we felt passionate about helping and explain our reasons. Although the map was simply made of rope, it took me on a journey of teamwork, leadership, philanthropy, and ultimately, the pursuit of making a positive impact on the world. This experience at Rocky not only enriched my time at Dartmouth, but it also paved the way for my future endeavors in fostering collaboration and creating meaningful change.
I am in the fortunate position to be currently negotiating between three job offers. I believe RLF made me a better public speaker, interviewer, storyteller, and leader, and I don't know if I'd be in the same position if I didn't participate in RLF."
Sebastian Muñoz McDonald
ASCL Major Modified with WGSS, Government Minor
"Working for Save the Children through the First-Year Fellows program completely transformed the possibilities I saw in my studies and professional life. Working as a Fellow in coordination organization of the United Nations, humanitarians across the world, and a very talented group of colleagues has been an invaluable of my interest and involvement in global affairs, social impact, and communications."
Madeline Gochee
Government Major Modified with Economics, Quantitative Social Science Minor
"My favorite memory was working at the Policy Research Shop to learn about rural maternal health care. I loved working with a group of students and receiving feedback from Dr. Shaiko and experts in the field."
Hayden Welty
English Major, Public Policy Minor
"Taking PBPL85 and going to South Africa was one of the academic and personal highlights of my time at Dartmouth. Professor Wheelan and the entire group were fantastic, and I learned a lot about not only the country itself but also larger lessons about public policy and life more broadly.
Rocky has been an integral part of my Dartmouth experience. From my time as a minor to being on the mock trial team, I truly cannot imagine my four years in Hanover without the center. Thank you for everything."
Isabella Dunbar
Government Major Modified with Economics, Middle Eastern Studies Minor
"I really enjoyed participating in DLAB, both as a participant and a facilitator.
I will be working at Bridgewater as an investment research associate and then likely going to law school."
Fiona Sleigh
Government Major, Public Policy and Hispanic Studies Minors
"Traveling to South Africa with Professor Wheelan's PBPL 85 class was one of the most formative experiences I've had at Dartmouth. Tasked with exploring the nation's complicated history and crafting recommendations around racial reconciliation, we spent two weeks traveling to different cities, conducting interviews, visiting museums, and asking questions wherever we went. It was incredible to get out of the classroom and learn from real policymakers, journalists, teachers, and others who are involved in the ongoing process of racial reconciliation in South Africa.
I'll be working at Bain & Company in Boston next year. After that, I hope to continue studying public policy in graduate school."
Kyle Mullins
History Major Modified with Economics, Public Policy Minor
"My involvement with Rocky started freshman fall and shaped my entire Dartmouth trajectory. My first college internship (at the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget) was through the First-Year Fellows Program, and my second (at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette) was made financially possible through Rocky funding and set me up for a career in journalism. The communities I found in the public policy minor (such as the PBPL 85 class, which went to South Africa) and my work as a public programs assistant helped me start friendships that will last a lifetime. I'm so grateful to Joanne, to Bob, and to Professors Shaiko, Wheelan, Nachlis, and Kalish for their guidance, support, and leadership over the past five years.
I'm working at Forbes magazine as a reporter focused on money in politics."
Mounisha Anumolu
Economics Major, Public Policy and Computer Science Minors
"I feel so lucky to have been able to participate in the Dartmouth-Keble Exchange. The tutorial style of teaching at Oxford really taught me how to productively discuss course readings and how to effectively articulate academic ideas. I feel like I have become a better student and a better speaker. I learned so much, and I had so much fun!"
Eric Hryniewicz
Geography and Environmental Studies Double Major
"I met some really great people in MLDP. I did it at a time I was off campus working in construction during the pandemic so it helped me feel connected to Dartmouth when I had been gone for a long time."
Elizabeth Rudnick
Sociology Major, Public Policy Minor
"My favorite Rocky experience was working with PRS and testifying to the Vermont Committee on Education. It was an extremely fulfilling process and the bill we researched was recently passed by both the House and Senate. I got to meet many inspiring individuals while conducting research, focus groups, and elite interviews. I hope to go into the health policy field, and this experience provided a lot of insight into the legislative process.
As of right now, next year I will be attending law school at the University of Chicago where I hope to focus in healthcare policy and enter the nonprofit field post graduation."
Mark Tao
Government and Computer Science Double Major
"One of my favorite Rocky-related memories at Dartmouth was the Dartmouth Leadership Attitudes and Behaviors (DLAB) program. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was truly taken aback by the scope and the depth of all of our sessions. I got to really think about my personal values and think about the characteristics that I would want graduating Mark to embody (and I did manage to at least partially live up to my expectations!). My facilitators and co-participants were also spectacular, and I looked forward to our weekly conversations. The program was a formative experience for me as a college freshman, and I continue to (to this day) reflect on my key takeaways from DLAB specifically. I was excited to pay it forward as a facilitator this winter, and am excited to hear more about the continued growth of the program in the future!
I also really appreciated Rocky's support of my Independent Study project with Professor Yusaku Horiuchi. Along with the Ethics Institute, Rocky provided me with the financial ability to research the impact of state-media-affiliated labels on social media platforms. Through Rocky, I got to study the wider impact of misinformation on democracy, and the future of public policy regulation in the online media sphere. I had a wonderful time writing the paper and am incredibly grateful for Rocky's commitment to its students' continued learning!
I'll be working at Oliver Wyman as a consultant next year, and eventually plan to earn either an MBA, and/or a PhD in political science. I hope to pursue a long-term career that focuses on the intersection of technological innovation and government regulation."
Joshua Freitag
Quantitative Social Science Major, Public Policy and Hispanic Studies Minors
"Rocky has been integral to my Dartmouth experience both inside and outside of the classroom. One of my favorite things about the center is the culture of reciprocity; people learn from each other and grow together, giving back as much as they gain. I experienced this most clearly in my work as a Student Assistant for the center, working with former Deputy Director Sadhana Hall and MLDP Program Officer Robin Frye to help facilitate the learning and leadership growth of other students, ensuring that the lessons I had learned did not end with me. It was a great way to get to know other students and give back to the larger community while also gaining valuable work experience. It was also a pleasure working with and getting to know the wonderful staff at the Rockefeller Center.
I am so grateful for the Rockefeller Center for supporting my in my undergraduate career and beyond. I will be attending Boston University School of Law next year."
David Millman
Government Major
"My favorite Rocky experience has been getting to know Sadhana Hall and Leslie R. Wagner-Ould Ismail and every one of the Rocky Leadership Fellows! Being able to meet and engage with thoughtful and experienced speakers that visited the program and reflect on leadership on campus and beyond was invaluable to my own personal academic and professional journey. I think that the friendships I've made in the Rocky Center and the exposure to different leadership styles and ways to navigate situations is something that I will lean on in the future as I try to enter the world of public policy and government. And, as anyone who has been a fellow can attest to, Sadhana's ability to drop words of wisdom at any moment is incredible. One quote we ended on: 'Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right thing.'
I am attending the London School of Economics on a Reynolds Fellowship to read for a Masters of Science in Local Economic Development and then I hope to attend Law School to become an advocate for housing equity and environmental development."