
You can have an impact on the next generation of public policy leaders. Consider supporting the Center in the following ways.

Email Rockefeller.Center@Dartmouth.edu or call (603) 646-3874 to discuss ways you can support the Center and our programs.

Outside Opportunities

The Rockefeller Center can post your internship or job opportunities in an effort to help students prepare for a leave-term or post-graduate experience in public policy or a social sciences related field.

Alumni Panels

The Rockefeller Center, Dartmouth Lawyers Association, and the Center for Professional Development co-sponsored "The Paths to Law Alumni Panel," which featured Brian Martin '06, Lavinia Weizel '04, Janos Martin '05, and Lindsay Zahradka '07.

Public Programs

Leah Daughtry '84 presented "Words & Their Consequences: Civil Discourse in 21st Century." Her public lecture, hosted by the Rockefeller Center, was part of the Dartmouth College Annual Celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Board of Visitors

The Rockefeller Center Board of Visitors is composed of Dartmouth College alumni who serve as advisors to the Director. Drawing from a wide range of backgrounds, the Center's Board of Visitors represent academia, business, non-profit organizations, and the law.

Program Facilitation

Nate Fick '99 greets Rockefeller Leadership Fellows prior to his annual program session entitled, "In the Arena: Translating Thought into Action as a Young Leader."