With the conclusion of the 2011-2012 academic year, over 350 students have now participated the Management and Leadership Development Program (MLDP) since the inception of the program three years ago.
Most recently during this academic year, 112 students participated in the program with 76 students completing the program requirements. Participants of the program gain knowledge and practice skills in multiple aspects of management and leadership, including workplace writing skills, presentation design, problem solving and negotiation techniques, cultural competency, group facilitation skills, strategic planning and more.
Participants of the program cite the diverse array of expert guest speakers who lead a different topic area each week throughout the term as a key strength of MLDP.
“MLDP grants participants the opportunity to learn from well-versed speakers and achieved individuals in their career field” notes Spring 2012 participant Clifford (CJ) Hughes ‘14. Furthermore, Clifford remarks that “MLDP is the only program that I’m aware of at Dartmouth of its class and caliber. It combines seemingly disparate yet valuable topics and skills into one complete package centered on vital aspects of management and leadership”.
Anjalie Christie ’14 additionally states that “Each topic is immediately applicable and relevant to our lives as college students. Because these fundamentals are put into practice now they will be much more developed and prominent when needed in real world experiences and jobs.”
We’re now accepting registrations for the upcoming year! For more information on MLDP and to register, please check out more posts on our blog tagged with MLDP and visit our website.